⭐️ Accepting new students! ⭐️
For our 2024-2025 season ⭐️ REGISTER MAY 1ST →
Inspire is an honest and transparent company.
That means NO hidden fees, NO surprise fees and the confidence and clarity you need before committing your child to our progressive dance program.
Before you register, we take the time to help you understand your financial commitment involved in being a part of our dance school.
It only takes an annual $40 registration fee to reserve your child's dance spot in our studio.
$90 Recital Fee (Approx)
(Includes video, Rehearsal Ticket and Finale T-Shirt)
There are annual recitals involving every class and child (other than Stretch, Pointe and Mom & Tots).
- Dates TBA (late May/early June).
- Guaranteed tickets for every family.
- Costume rental is included in you dance tuition.
You can happily borrow your child's recital costume for *FREE!
There are NO costumes, accessories, make-up kit or props to required to buy.
We pride ourselves on selecting great, age appropriate costumes that students and families will love!
- No surprise fees!
*Dance shoes and tights are not included with the costume.
One of the biggest joys you can have as a parent is seeing your child onstage, in costume, smiling and dancing for friends and family.
- Guaranteed tickets for every family.
- It is our goal to give you and your child a fantastic recital experience.
- The price of the tickets will be kept to a minimum.
- All families will have the opportunity to buy tickets.
- There will be rehearsals at the studio and theatre closer to the show. This happens in lieu of class time.